Thursday, 14 June 2012

Three Cheers to the Beginnings!

Sitting in a college lecture hall amongst hundreds of “yet to be known” people from around the country and listening to the administration people and then the faculties talking about the NORMS,DISCIPLINE,SCHEDULES, and STUDIES of college (all the students will get the irony behind highlighting these 4 terms), I was attending the first orientation of my college. I still remember the first thing that hit my mind as soon as I entered the room was the, GENDER RATIO!  Well it wasn’t a surprise that a room of 160 seats had boys filling the 100 seats in MECHANICAL branch of an ENGINEERING COLLEGE, but still it was odd to see such a huge disparity. In the midst of all this, there was a struggle going on to find people belonging to same batch and trust me I was scared like hell because in the whole one hour I was not able to find any girl belonging to the batch I was allotted!

Well! That was just the first hour in college and ice breaking was not that tough, at least not amongst the girls, as I was told! Till the time orientation ended, I was lucky enough to have found a girl having same batch as me and after almost an year referring her as “a girl belonging to my batch “  is so NOT DONE as now she is an integral part of my life J . The time passed and we had our share of fun in college with OFFICIAL FRESHER’S WELCOME, which I initially referred to as “official ragging”. Yes! , you have to move to the stage facing the first years as well as all the seniors and have to give your introduction, only if all the people present there STOP HOOTINGAND LET YOU SPEAK!! The line above bring up another interesting and most important part of college life, RAGGING!  Although in my college anything even close to ragging is totally banned, we still experienced a lighter part of it during the introductions we were asked to give. Actually let me put it properly from a fresher’s point of view “you can be stopped anywhere, anyhow and asked to wish your seniors “good morning” or “good noon” and call them sir or ma’am and then you can start telling your own not so important information! “. I still remember how scared I and my friends used to be, to enter the café during the lunch hours of seniors and super-seniors! And then came the much awaited “FRESHER’S PARTY”. The occasion where everyone looks there best, especially in a college like mine where we have to wear uniforms! An occasion where you can always fall in love with someone or at least have a crush on someone and entertainment is always unlimited! And with time you’ll see the groups of friends dividing into pairs of two!

And between all these “studies go on”!  Yeah!  In some lecture rooms, class rooms, labs, studiesgo on and that’s a different thing that 90% of the times we were clue less about them! And then one fine day you face EXAMSand interestingly while writing those exams I actually saw that forwarded message of a friend coming to reality, it says “after finishing every answer in an exam, I feel like writing LOL at the end!!”. And the best time comes when all the fun and frolic of your just started college life are evaluated in terms of your MARKS! And once you are familiar with them, there starts a phase of liking and joining pages on FB like “Trust me I am an Engineer!”. Throughout the first semester we had to cry for so many things like, attendance, internals, some teachers actually after your life, asking the seniors about the cut offs or actually asking the procedures for filling up supplementary forms!!

All in all, as soon as I reached college, my life gained a pace that made me forget lot of things and people that once mattered and I believe it has happened to every one of us. It’s like a new beginning leaving all behind, a roller-coaster ride making you go through all or at least few of these:
The “recently used” list of your cell phone will now hold the names of your college friends, and the school people who used to be on the top, will move down and might slowly…disappear!
Your photo albums having you with your school friends will take a back seat and now you’ll be boasting about your college and your new friends or boyfriends/ girlfriends too!
Your outings with people, who were important for your existence once, become yearly occasion now and after sometime you can do without them too but you can’t miss a chance to hang out with your present buddies!
Somewhere in the crowd you find certain people who make your previous break ups, crushes or heart breaks and everything bad happened to you as a past memory. They make your life easy with each passing day and your day is just so incomplete without them!
The people you rely on the most might ditch you, while the unexpected ones may become your lifeline!
You can always find a boy/girl whom you will hate for being just so perfect! While some will surely make you feel just “awesome”!
You can always find a savior in a senior, no matter how scared you were initially to even interact with them!
If you aren’t a sleeping fellow, you will learn a lot of POLITICS!
For the girls 1)- if you were a totally a “plain jane” types in your school days, girl’s washroom is the place to be!
For the girls 2)- if you are still crying for your ex-boyfriend or an ex-crush then please “go get a life!” , college is not that disappointing after all! ;)
For the boys- I wish I could arrange for some boy co-writer who could have provided with suggestions for you!

For those who think all this is picked up from somewhere:

NO! All of it has some reason or people behind it! They make my life special every day! The only reason I drag myself to college just to follow a 12 hour tiring schedule daily!

For those who wonder why I didn’t mention names of the people who matter so much to me:

Well! Few of them wished “ not to be named” ( starry tantrums you see :p) and without naming those “few” not only this write up but my college life would have been incomplete! J

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